I am not sure if I understood what I was told correctly - so someone correct me if I'm talking nonsense.
But when you are super, super rich/elite. Money does not matter. What matters is how many people you control.
mandatory donations-2.
catholic church donation cards.
https://uploads.weconnect.com/mce/e114c448f4ab8554ad14eff3d66dfeb3965ce8fc/tithing%20pledge%20card.pdf .
I am not sure if I understood what I was told correctly - so someone correct me if I'm talking nonsense.
But when you are super, super rich/elite. Money does not matter. What matters is how many people you control.
mandatory donations-2.
catholic church donation cards.
https://uploads.weconnect.com/mce/e114c448f4ab8554ad14eff3d66dfeb3965ce8fc/tithing%20pledge%20card.pdf .
i used to do the collection boxes at the conventions. Usually at least one person would put some money in my box. But occasionally I'd put a little bit of money in so I had something to carry back in 3 or 4 cardboards boxes stuck one on top of the other.
There were times in the day when you'd get more money than at others (publication release was usual high point). But there weren't that many who felt they had to give.
I'd position my box, next thing, I'd be getting run over by everyone. Their mission was chat, food and toilets. Donating money wasn't high on their agenda. Not in my part of the world anyway. But that was then.
As they brought in the those pledge forms, I stopped doing the boxes and took up the more sensible activity of having a coffee.
did you notice this?
2020 governing body update #5. https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/latestvideos/docid-702020307_1_video.
why do they show the black goat in the picture?
Hi Cookimaster - just to add my bit of research to your own, I found that all/most of WT's false doctrines can be traced to Theo Sufism, aka Theosophy.
One of the Theo Sufical leaders (I think it was Annie Besant) set up the Lucis Trust aka the Lucifer Trust.
Also - when green issues cross the line from secular to religious - I have heard that some believe that Lucifer is the light of man's inner evolution.
And yes WT is a subversion of Christianity. I call it a mantrap for Christians.
does the information about mandatory donations in this post sound accurate to you?.
https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/i1gews/new_letter_1000_donations_are_mandatory_now/ petra!
I was presented with a personal pledge form - must have been 2014 or 15 sometime round then. I looked at the elder who presented it and said, "put that away."
I could see he was ashamed even to have to hand it to me. It was contrary to everything we had been taught.
As he put it back into his folder he looked more relaxed. He knew it was the wrong thing to do. But now he could tell Bully Elder Whoever that he had tried to give me a form.
I felt like scribbling up my own form and handing it to them telling them what my hourly rate was for attending.
disfellowship but never, ever announce it.. this new procedure is to be confirmed - anyone else come across it?.
for this record these are jesus' actual instructions in relation to this matter:-.
(matthew 18:15-17) 15 “moreover, if your brother commits a sin, go lay bare his fault between you and him alone.
I did the leg work of studying the Bible carefully before I was contacted. I knew the Bible pretty well. When I studied with them, unknown to me, I was affecting the sister who was studying with me. She was actually learning some things from me. I wasn't trying to teach her I was just asking the right kind of questions.
But I did learn from them. One thing I couldn't figure out was why things were so different after Jesus died. The Catholics had some answers but their answers were not as clear as the Watchtower's. Some of the information the Watchtower puts out is accurate and I found it helpful. Also some brothers and sisters were very knowledgeable.
But Watchtower info stays at a certain level. Like so many I was gradually nodding off in the meetings because they were boring. But I found it easy to do stand-in talks. I wanted to be helpful so I did most of the stand-in talks. It'd get me through the Thursday meeting without becoming unconscious.
In 2005 I did a stand-in talk that was about a teaching I had never heard of. Because I had learnt what was in the Bible long before being contacted, I knew the teaching was blasphemous.
Thereafter I wrote to the GB and had to lay out my case. I learnt a bit of Hebrew and Greek and my insight into the Bible grew. Through all the issues I have had to face with these spin doctors, I have learnt how their spin works. Its been a real education!
I tend not to get involved in discussions. Ok a little bit sometimes, I might point to relevant scriptures. But like snowball fights discussions can start off as fun and then people get hurt. If I can put something out there that is helpful, great. But I think the best thing is to encourage people to have confidence in their own intellectual powers and read the Bible for themselves, if they want to.
knorr, franz, henschel et al must be spinning in their graves....https://www.jwstuff.org/.
You get 4 free lapel pins with any order.
I think I'll have the butterfly earings and the sparkly Always Rejoice stylus pen. Aw, but I haven't got my buying boots on.
Oh you can get custom made lapel pins - now there's a challenge - what could you have written on a custom lapel pin?
disfellowship but never, ever announce it.. this new procedure is to be confirmed - anyone else come across it?.
for this record these are jesus' actual instructions in relation to this matter:-.
(matthew 18:15-17) 15 “moreover, if your brother commits a sin, go lay bare his fault between you and him alone.
Still no conclusion on the new disfellowshipping procedure - it may be a very heavy marking. To treat a marked person as if they are disfellowshipped. So what's that exactly if not disfellowshipped?
disfellowship but never, ever announce it.. this new procedure is to be confirmed - anyone else come across it?.
for this record these are jesus' actual instructions in relation to this matter:-.
(matthew 18:15-17) 15 “moreover, if your brother commits a sin, go lay bare his fault between you and him alone.
disfellowship but never, ever announce it.. this new procedure is to be confirmed - anyone else come across it?.
for this record these are jesus' actual instructions in relation to this matter:-.
(matthew 18:15-17) 15 “moreover, if your brother commits a sin, go lay bare his fault between you and him alone.
Hi LV101 - here's some screen shots of what's coming. Also Dan 1:1 says in the the 3rd year of Jehoiakim's rulership. The little luvvies make that 3rd year 8 years long and call it his 11th year of rulership. Their maths on which 1914 sits is twaddle. You only need 7 scriptures to prove it is twaddle. The 7 scriptures are 5 from Jeremiah and 2 from Ezekiel. The hammer blow which takes them down is Eze 40:1.
If you know the Bible well enough you'll see that Eze 40:1 is talking about the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar and 14 years after it. So the hammer blow to WT's 1914 doctrine are the numbers 19 and 14. Almighty God - He's so clever. They never stood a chance.
someone has stepped forward to assist us.
that sure didn't take very long!.
2020-august-s-147-e announcements and reminders, in english and in german.. .
Hi Petra - when I click on the link with your picture I get advised by anti virus of malicious site attack.